Cartapani since 1951
Cartapani since 1951
Cartapani since 1951
Cartapani since 1951
Cartapani since 1951
Cartapani since 1951
Cartapani since 1951
Cartapani since 1951
The common thread that guides Cartapani is the pursuit of quality: the modus operandi behind the authentic excellence of Caffè Cartapani

From the first bicycle deliveries yesterday...to today

The art of doing
The cartapani story
The cartapani story
The cartapani story
The cartapani story
The cartapani story
The cartapani story
The cartapani story
The cartapani story
Since 1951, we have selected and roasted only premium quality coffee

Within Cartapani coffee, there is a constant availability of fresh and high-quality raw materials
The guarantee of professionalism
Fresh and superior quality beans, thanks to the direct management of the supply chain and production, which – by selecting the best origins – produce excellent blends
We have made innovation the key to our success, using cutting-edge technologies such as industry 4.0 plants, controlled roasting and temperature monitoring to guarantee the very best product quality
Choosing authentic purchasing and consumption methods helps support healthier agriculture, focused on caring for small farmers and their land. The coffee achieves a superior quality thanks to meticulous harvesting and processing, which respect and value the authenticity of every bean.
Cartapani embraces a corporate philosophy geared towards sustainability, actively committed to direct support of producers. The goal of promoting environmental circularity through the complete traceability of every coffee bean is reflected in a corporate ethic that guarantees that every cup of cartapani coffee is a concrete contribution to a more responsible future.